If you don't ask you don't get! GOD loves a trier!

My Sect
Just Muslim
My Profession
Health Care Professional
Marital Status
Never married
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
IMPORTANT:- This is NOT a BLIND DATE...Please do NOT msg me if you DO NOT have a Picture....I will DEFINITELY NOT REPLY!!!
Now for the decent respectable woman who have the decency to show their pictures....
Also to state, if you msg me i will reply even if i don't think we are compatible in marks of respect and i would like the same treatment back please as some people on here are very rood sorry to mention.

Assalamu - Alaikum w.w,
I am 40 years young, single, and never been married previously. I have come to a stage in my life where Insha'Allah with Allah's blessings I would like to complete my sunnah and find my soul mate. Friends describe me as a well joyful character, always smiling, honest and transparent, hard-working, independent and reliable. I am steadfast on my deen/prayers and alhamdulillah do not indulge in intoxicants and affairs. I am well spoken, approachable, polite, British Indian, who is homely with many interests. I have a good balance between deen, dunya and family. I’m a practicing muslim and mannerisms and etiquette are important to me. Also to mention, Often I am told that i don’t look my age alhamdulilah and have been raised very well alhamdulilah.I am very health conscious and mindful of what i eat. I have a mild temperament, a caring nature and are genuinely fun to be around. I am emotionally intelligent and have the right level of maturity to navigate the highs and lows of a marriage or any obstacles life brings. “ life’s a roller coaster so it’s up and down” so get you seat belt on….

Since the age of Seven i have been praying my namaaz and even if i have missed them i did qazaa, alhamdulillah may Allah except them ALL and make it easy for others to do the same (ameen).

I am a honest person who has self respect and puts others before myself. honesty is the best policy in life and i believe you will get far if you are honest about this with yourself's. My life is busy as i work all the hours that Allah sends. I work in the ambulance, before or after work i go to the gym to keep fit and healthy 5 times a week and relax on the weekends, Islamicly you should look after yourself. On the weekends i go to the cinemas and for a meal also from time to time i go shopping specifically at the Cheshire Oaks lol. I also hold a season ticket at manchester united so there is never a dull day in my life as i am constantly busy busy busy. I also go on holidays every 3 months as I love travelling the world and exploring different countries and cultures. Alhamdulillah i go to umrah every ramadhan , may Allah except them and i am finally looking to do my hajj as soon as i find the other half I.A.

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What I Am Looking For
What i think Marriage is not some Fairytale. It is love, Selflessness, Patience, Tolerance and Enduring the hard times together.

Where do i start and where do i finish. What i am looking for is a million pound question lol NOT, What i will state is briefly some criteria that i am looking for in the other half. I am not looking for a woman that has a high qualified occupation that pays big money as sukkar alhamdulillah i am not after your wealth, occupation, job title or cast.I am looking for compatibility most importantly for me and also not forget to mention 50% at least would be attraction to make anything work in my opinion, the other 50% can be made up of your personality, morals, respect, family values ect, as they say "Marry someone who is deeply interested in the deen, because that is who your children will follow". There’s many other things that people i believe or ask for which is very important such as living with in-laws which will be spoken into details once compatibility is sustained or even if the woman can work as i respect and understand that someone might have studied very hard for it all to go to pott, again such things as this will be spoken about once compatibility has been sustained. Once we have found something potentially that is agreed then a family intervention at the earliest would be ideal, & may I finally take this opportunity to do Duaa for everyone who has waited patiently in finding a partner for life and may the Almighty make it easy for us ALL ameen.

Finally If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I will respond at my earliest opportunity and reply asap as I have mentioned the rood people I have experienced on here….jzkz Khair.....

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
United Kingdom
My Height
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Other degree
Subject I Studied
Health & Social Care
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Health Care Professional
My Job Title
Ambulance (NHS)
My Sect
Just Muslim
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?